Our Story

We create intentional retreats for you to come into coherence with your mind, body, & soul.

Transformational retreats meets adventure travel


Our retreats are designed to help you disconnect from the stresses of daily life and reconnect with the yourself, community, soul purpose, and the Universe. We offer a variety of experiences, from yoga and meditation retreats to adventure and cultural immersion retreats, and so much more! Each retreat is carefully curated to provide a transformative experience that will leave you feeling refreshed, inspired, and empowered. 

We believe that wellness is not a one-size-fits-all approach. That's why we offer a variety of retreats around the world that cater to different interests and needs. Our retreats are not just about relaxation and rejuvenation, but also about self-discovery, transformation, and growth.

Whether you're looking to deepen your practice, explore a new culture, or simply unwind and recharge, we have a retreat that's perfect for you!

Top retreats, Women’s retreat, spiritual retreats, women’s spiritual retreat, 2024 retreats, yoga retreats, plant medicine retreats, retreat, retreats, wellness retreats, travel company, women’s wellness retreat, group travel trip, group travel, 2024 group travel trips, coherence retreats

Our Values

Personal Growth & Wellness

You will have space to go within, connect with your intuition, and to get to know yourself on a whole new level. You may discover your calling, get clarity on your next steps, or simply come back to self-love.


In a world that often feels disconnected, our retreats are a safe space where you can be seen as your authentic self and connect with others at a soul level. You will leave our retreats with life-long connections, and a supportive community. 


We believe transformation is a journey of self-discovery and taking aligned action towards our highest potential. Our retreats are a sacred container that offer a variety of transformative practices to help you on your journey. 


Diverse and inclusive. We gather souls from all walks of life to embrace different voices, cultures, and backgrounds. By embracing diversity, we create a safe and inclusive space where everyone feels welcome, seen, heard, and valued. 

Top retreats, Women’s retreat, spiritual retreats, women’s spiritual retreat, 2024 retreats, yoga retreats, plant medicine retreats, retreat, retreats, wellness retreats, travel company, women’s wellness retreat, group travel trip, group travel, 2024 group travel trips, coherence retreats

Meet the Founder

Hi, I'm Kimberly! I grew up all over the world, moving to a new country every 2-3 years. This upbringing gave me a unique perspective on life and an appreciation for different cultures and ways of living. It also embedded in me a deep love of travel. 

My wellness, spiritual, and self-development journey started about 10 years ago when I felt completely lost, unaligned, and unsure what to do with my life. I'm sure we've all been there. 

I found sanctuary and clarity through different healing modalities and began cultivating a deeper relationship with myself and the Universe. So, I spent years embarking on a journey of self-discovery and studied to deepen my practices. 

I've been hosting retreats for over 4+ years :) It has now become my sacred duty and calling to hold space for others, creating a nurturing environment where they too can explore, grow, and find their own unique path towards self-discovery. 

My mission is to inspire and guide women on a transformative journey of spiritual evolution, allowing them to unearth their soul's true purpose. I am committed to empowering women from all walks of life, helping them harness their innate strengths and passions, and assisting them in manifesting their dream reality.

A few of my credentials include:

  • Life & Success Coach (ICF)
  • Breathwork Facilitator 
  • Meditation Facilitator
  • Certified Womb Circle Facilitator
  • Certified Hypnotherapist
  • NLP Practitioner
  • Reiki Level 1 Practitioner
  • EFT Practitioner
  • T.I.M.E Technique Practitioner
  • Sound Healer
  • CEO & Founder

Coherence Retreats was born with the goal of creating intentional and transformative experiences that combine wellness and healing practices, community, and travel. 

I'm so glad you're here and we can't wait to meet you! <3

- Kimberly Roach

Meet Our Retreat Leaders

Top retreats, Women’s retreat, spiritual retreats, women’s spiritual retreat, 2024 retreats, yoga retreats, plant medicine retreats, retreat, retreats, wellness retreats, travel company, women’s wellness retreat, group travel trip, group travel, 2024 group travel trips, coherence retreats

Emma Marschall


Emma is a Breathwork Facilitator and Meditation Instructor who guides individuals through transformative healing experiences. As a Somatic Healer and Coach, she integrates body-centered techniques to promote emotional and physical well-being. Emma is also a talented musician, conscious content creator, and artist, using her creative talents to inspire and uplift her community.

Coherence Retreat: Portugal 2024

Top retreats, Women’s retreat, spiritual retreats, women’s spiritual retreat, 2024 retreats, yoga retreats, plant medicine retreats, retreat, retreats, wellness retreats, travel company, women’s wellness retreat, group travel trip, group travel, 2024 group travel trips, coherence retreats

Natalie Valle


Natalie is a Sound Healer and Chopra Certified Meditation Teacher with extensive expertise in yoga, holding an RYT 200 certification. As a Usui Reiki Master and Certified Dharma Coach (ICF), she blends ancient healing techniques with modern coaching practices. An Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner and Nike LA Trainer, Natalie brings a unique approach to wellness and personal growth. She is also the founder of the Practical Alchemy Podcast, where she shares her insights and guides listeners on their journey to holistic well-being.

Coherence Retreat: Sedona 2024

Top retreats, Women’s retreat, spiritual retreats, women’s spiritual retreat, 2024 retreats, yoga retreats, plant medicine retreats, retreat, retreats, wellness retreats, travel company, women’s wellness retreat, group travel trip, group travel, 2024 group travel trips, coherence retreats

Regina O Silva


Regina is a Spiritual Business Mentor, Psychic/Medium, and Multidimensional Healer deeply connected to the Yawanawa Indigenous Tribe. As a Medicine Woman, she combines ancient wisdom with modern strategies to help entrepreneurs scale their businesses to multiple six figures. A globe-trotter, musician, and channeler, Regina's diverse experiences and visionary leadership inspire and elevate those she mentors.

Coherence Retreat: Costa Rica 2024

Top retreats, Women’s retreat, spiritual retreats, women’s spiritual retreat, 2024 retreats, yoga retreats, plant medicine retreats, retreat, retreats, wellness retreats, travel company, women’s wellness retreat, group travel trip, group travel, 2024 group travel trips, coherence retreats

Harmony Sunshine


Harmony is a Song & Sound Weaver and Creative Alchemy Guide, blending artistic expression with healing practices. As a Space Holder and Yoga Instructor, she creates sacred spaces for transformation and growth. Harmony’s unique approach to wellness and creativity inspires those around her to explore and embrace their inner potential.

Coherence Retreat: Portugal 2024

Top retreats, Women’s retreat, spiritual retreats, women’s spiritual retreat, 2024 retreats, yoga retreats, plant medicine retreats, retreat, retreats, wellness retreats, travel company, women’s wellness retreat, group travel trip, group travel, 2024 group travel trips, coherence retreats

Kristin Simon


Kristin is a Digital Nomad, Photographer, and Videographer who captures and shares inspiring moments from around the world. As a Reiki Master, she provides energy healing to promote balance and well-being. A Social Media Expert, Human Design Reader, and Breathwork Facilitator (IBS), Kristin offers a holistic approach to personal and professional growth. Passionate about holistic wellness, she integrates her diverse skills to support others on their journey to overall well-being, especially through transformative breathwork sessions.

Coherence Retreat: Tulum 2023, Joshua Tree 2024

Top retreats, Women’s retreat, spiritual retreats, women’s spiritual retreat, 2024 retreats, yoga retreats, plant medicine retreats, retreat, retreats, wellness retreats, travel company, women’s wellness retreat, group travel trip, group travel, 2024 group travel trips, coherence retreats

Chelsea Martin


Chelsea is the founder of Wild Pines Creative and an accomplished Adventure Photographer. As a Real Estate Broker Associate and Social Media Expert, she skillfully combines her business acumen with creative talents. A passionate Content Creator and avid chef, Chelsea brings a unique blend of skills to everything she does. Her love for the outdoors is evident as a Mountain Junkie and Certified Avalanche Rescue Level 1 specialist. A world traveler, Chelsea's experiences and enthusiasm for adventure inspire those around her.

Coherence Retreat: Colorado 2023

Top retreats, Women’s retreat, spiritual retreats, women’s spiritual retreat, 2024 retreats, yoga retreats, plant medicine retreats, retreat, retreats, wellness retreats, travel company, women’s wellness retreat, group travel trip, group travel, 2024 group travel trips, coherence retreats

Britt Lynn LaBouff 


Britt Lynn is an InnerSelf Mapping Mentor and Energetic Cartographer, guiding individuals on their journey to self-discovery. As the founder of Hello Self! LLC and Sidestepping Social to Sink Into Self, she empowers others to reconnect with their true selves. A 200 RYT and RPYT certified yoga instructor and Usui Reiki 2 certified practitioner, Britt Lynn combines these holistic practices to support overall well-being and personal growth.

Coherence Retreat: Sedona 2024

Top retreats, Women’s retreat, spiritual retreats, women’s spiritual retreat, 2024 retreats, yoga retreats, plant medicine retreats, retreat, retreats, wellness retreats, travel company, women’s wellness retreat, group travel trip, group travel, 2024 group travel trips, coherence retreats

Julia Conti


Julia is a Yoga Teacher with a 200 RYT certification and a seasoned Psychic Arts Practitioner with seven years of experience. As a Tarot Reader and Sound Sorceress, she uses her intuitive gifts to guide and heal. A dedicated Space Holder, Julia creates safe and transformative environments for personal and spiritual growth.

Coherence Retreat: Sedona 2024

Meet Our Ambassadors

Top retreats, Women’s retreat, spiritual retreats, women’s spiritual retreat, 2024 retreats, yoga retreats, plant medicine retreats, retreat, retreats, wellness retreats, travel company, women’s wellness retreat, group travel trip, group travel, 2024 group travel trips, coherence retreats

Paula Tabaschek


Paula is a dedicated yoga instructor and meditation guide based in Austin, Texas, with a mission to guide individuals toward balance and inner peace. Her journey began with early exposure to mindfulness through yoga with my mother, sparking a passion for transformative practices. Her mission extends to empowering individuals, especially women, on transformative journeys of self-evolution, fostering understanding, and cultivating connections in our diverse world.

Coherence Retreat: Sedona 2024, Joshua Tree 2024

Top retreats, Women’s retreat, spiritual retreats, women’s spiritual retreat, 2024 retreats, yoga retreats, plant medicine retreats, retreat, retreats, wellness retreats, travel company, women’s wellness retreat, group travel trip, group travel, 2024 group travel trips, coherence retreats

Camille Adraine


Camille is a woman’s portrait and brand photographer located in Austin Texas. She has a background in energy healing and yoga that she infuses in everything she does. She has a gift of helping her clients feel safe to fully express themselves. Which allows Camille to hold space for their higher self to come through in the images. It is truly a unique experience being captured by her. She also loves nature and travel. She captures retreats around the world, and the beauty of architecture and nature as well. 

Coherence Retreat: Costa Rica 2024, Joshua Tree 2024


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